Monday, November 2, 2009

remember me?

WOW! It has been way too long since I've been on here! It's not totally my fault though...J and I both lost our computers within a few weeks of each other this summer. R.I.P. computers...should we have a moment of silence?

I bet there are a million and one things I could update about, but I don't think I'm going to go through the last 3.5 months detail by detail. The biggest news has probably been J's deployment. After finally getting the swing of living together (or just in the same state for that matter!) he deployed, and we had to adjust to 15 minute phone calls once or twice a week. The first few weeks were busy for him and he said they flew by...but for me..everything. went. SOOO. slooooow. I'm definately doing better now though! I still miss him like crazy (duh!), but I'm fairly adjusted. I might have already started a countdown for his homecoming :) YAY!

The other exciting news (well, I find it exciting) is that the new living room furniture we picked out came in! J hasn't seen it yet, and won't let me take pictures because he wants to see it in person. I love it! I made curtains to match our lampshades and they look great. They're probably the best project I've done. It feels so nice to sit in our living room and love the way it looks.

I'm going to try and do better updating now that I have a working computer again. We'll see how I do!

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