**I'll be editing this post soon to have pictures, or including them in my next post..SORRY! I need to get a camera cord from a friend to upload the pictures we took onto our new computer!**
Justin came home from his deployment Monday, and it was literally the BEST day! We spent a majority of the day catching up with each other and getting him settled in again. We had some awesome conversations about our goals, and the things we want to do together over the next few years. Yesterday we woke up and sat in the living room drinking coffee and talking for three hours, no tv. Before he left we would wake up, sit in the living room and zone out on the tv. Not good.
We've both really enjoyed the changes we made to our daily routines. I think they're here to stay :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
remember me?
WOW! It has been way too long since I've been on here! It's not totally my fault though...J and I both lost our computers within a few weeks of each other this summer. R.I.P. computers...should we have a moment of silence?
I bet there are a million and one things I could update about, but I don't think I'm going to go through the last 3.5 months detail by detail. The biggest news has probably been J's deployment. After finally getting the swing of living together (or just in the same state for that matter!) he deployed, and we had to adjust to 15 minute phone calls once or twice a week. The first few weeks were busy for him and he said they flew by...but for me..everything. went. SOOO. slooooow. I'm definately doing better now though! I still miss him like crazy (duh!), but I'm fairly adjusted. I might have already started a countdown for his homecoming :) YAY!
The other exciting news (well, I find it exciting) is that the new living room furniture we picked out came in! J hasn't seen it yet, and won't let me take pictures because he wants to see it in person. I love it! I made curtains to match our lampshades and they look great. They're probably the best project I've done. It feels so nice to sit in our living room and love the way it looks.
I'm going to try and do better updating now that I have a working computer again. We'll see how I do!
I bet there are a million and one things I could update about, but I don't think I'm going to go through the last 3.5 months detail by detail. The biggest news has probably been J's deployment. After finally getting the swing of living together (or just in the same state for that matter!) he deployed, and we had to adjust to 15 minute phone calls once or twice a week. The first few weeks were busy for him and he said they flew by...but for me..everything. went. SOOO. slooooow. I'm definately doing better now though! I still miss him like crazy (duh!), but I'm fairly adjusted. I might have already started a countdown for his homecoming :) YAY!
The other exciting news (well, I find it exciting) is that the new living room furniture we picked out came in! J hasn't seen it yet, and won't let me take pictures because he wants to see it in person. I love it! I made curtains to match our lampshades and they look great. They're probably the best project I've done. It feels so nice to sit in our living room and love the way it looks.
I'm going to try and do better updating now that I have a working computer again. We'll see how I do!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Engagement Pictures
To try and make up for my lack of pictures in my posts..I'm going to upload some of my engagement pictures :) We had to schedule them kind of spur of the moment based on when J would be coming home..and we ended up with a somewhat chilly, very windy afternoon. We had SO MUCH FUN working on these..hope you like them!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
WARNING: Newlywed Babble to Follow
Tomorrow is J and I's 2 month anniversary :)
(A little back story..) I volunteered to help a friend of mine out here by watching her super cute baby boy twice a week. I pick him up from daycare and bring him to my house for a few hours until she gets off work. Yesterday was the first time she's needed me to do it.
Let me also say, we're not ready for kids. Did you see that whole 2 month anniversary statement up there?? We're still enjoying each other and being newlyweds.
With that said, J was amazing. He was crawling around on the floor, tossing C (my friend's baby) up in the air, making bubbles in the sink for him to hold, and making sure he had enough juice to drink. I knew that J was great with kids, but it was SO fun to see them play together.
Once again, we're not ready for kids, but watching my "big strong military man" husband laying on the floor to play with a baby was one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. :)
I know every post is better with a picture, but we can't find our camera chargers! boo! I'll get on the ball soon !
(A little back story..) I volunteered to help a friend of mine out here by watching her super cute baby boy twice a week. I pick him up from daycare and bring him to my house for a few hours until she gets off work. Yesterday was the first time she's needed me to do it.
Let me also say, we're not ready for kids. Did you see that whole 2 month anniversary statement up there?? We're still enjoying each other and being newlyweds.
With that said, J was amazing. He was crawling around on the floor, tossing C (my friend's baby) up in the air, making bubbles in the sink for him to hold, and making sure he had enough juice to drink. I knew that J was great with kids, but it was SO fun to see them play together.
Once again, we're not ready for kids, but watching my "big strong military man" husband laying on the floor to play with a baby was one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. :)
I know every post is better with a picture, but we can't find our camera chargers! boo! I'll get on the ball soon !
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
J and I decided to try P90X about a month ago. We were watching tv and saw that it was being shown on QVC, and ten minutes later it was being shipped to our house. We were anxious to start it, but wanted to start on a Monday so that our rest day could be Sunday. He had a flight the first Monday and I left for cheerleading camp the next, so yesterday it was! (Actually J was on a TDY but is coming home today, and we didn't want to wait a whole week to start)
We also decided to follow the rec'd diet for at least the first week. After this week we'll probably just start eating healthier, because our grocery bill for one week was $160!
I woke up yesterday and ate a breakfast that was about twice as big as one I would normally eat-but it was delicious! Mushroom omelett with roma tomatoes and some mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese, and fresh strawberries. I was so full afterwards, and made a mental note to downsize the portions a little. I put on a bathing suit and took a few before pictures, changed into some workout clothes and headed into the living room.
I liked the workout..for the most part. I don't have a chin up bar, and I felt like I wasn't getting too much out of that part of the workout. I hate pushups, and that was a majority of the first day. I'm excited to get better at them though so that I can push myself further. I was very happy with the ab ripper though! I woke up in the middle of the night last night and turned over to check my phone (did I mention J was on a TDY? Its kind of funny how fast I fall back into my old habits!) and my abs were sore.
I'm looking forward to today's workout. One of my biggest annoyances with working out is when I'm not sore the next day. I felt like I wasted my time. Well, I didn't waste my time yesterday! My chest, shoulders, back, and abs are all feeling it today.
We also decided to follow the rec'd diet for at least the first week. After this week we'll probably just start eating healthier, because our grocery bill for one week was $160!
I woke up yesterday and ate a breakfast that was about twice as big as one I would normally eat-but it was delicious! Mushroom omelett with roma tomatoes and some mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese, and fresh strawberries. I was so full afterwards, and made a mental note to downsize the portions a little. I put on a bathing suit and took a few before pictures, changed into some workout clothes and headed into the living room.
I liked the workout..for the most part. I don't have a chin up bar, and I felt like I wasn't getting too much out of that part of the workout. I hate pushups, and that was a majority of the first day. I'm excited to get better at them though so that I can push myself further. I was very happy with the ab ripper though! I woke up in the middle of the night last night and turned over to check my phone (did I mention J was on a TDY? Its kind of funny how fast I fall back into my old habits!) and my abs were sore.
I'm looking forward to today's workout. One of my biggest annoyances with working out is when I'm not sore the next day. I felt like I wasted my time. Well, I didn't waste my time yesterday! My chest, shoulders, back, and abs are all feeling it today.
Friday, July 17, 2009
For those of you that don't know..I really love cheerleading. I cheered for 7 years, and started coaching cheerleading my freshman year of high school. I think I like coaching more than I liked to actually cheer myself. :)
I spent 3 days at cheerleading camp this week with a squad that I've recently started coaching. For those of you who have never been to a cheerleading camp it is a lot of fun, but very very long (and LOUD) days.
I would wake up at about 6:30 am and make sure all 20 girls were up and moving. The other coach and I didn't get much of a break until they were all in bed at 11:30 pm. Then it was time for my own shower and bed!
I got home yesterday around 3 and was in bed by 6:30. I was exhausted!
Other than camp I haven't had too much going on. I cleaned up around the house today and then J picked me up for lunch. :)
Oh! Fingers crossed for a potential job opportunity that may have developed this week! :)
I spent 3 days at cheerleading camp this week with a squad that I've recently started coaching. For those of you who have never been to a cheerleading camp it is a lot of fun, but very very long (and LOUD) days.
I would wake up at about 6:30 am and make sure all 20 girls were up and moving. The other coach and I didn't get much of a break until they were all in bed at 11:30 pm. Then it was time for my own shower and bed!
I got home yesterday around 3 and was in bed by 6:30. I was exhausted!
Other than camp I haven't had too much going on. I cleaned up around the house today and then J picked me up for lunch. :)
Oh! Fingers crossed for a potential job opportunity that may have developed this week! :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Picture Time
This past weekend J and I went camping at a lake a few hours from home. We were both so excited to go, but after we got there the plans we had made started to fall apart. Long story short we decided to come home early, and ended up having people over Saturday night to celebrate the 4th. At first we were a little bummed, but it was nice to shower and sleep in our own bed that night! I didn't get to take any pictures from camping, but there wasn't a whole lot to take pictures of so you're not missing much.

I tooka picture of how my rings look a majority of the time..crooked!
I was sneaking a picture of his ring! It was so weird to see it there!

Ok so this isn't from the first week. We took a trip to Walmart and got caught in the rain. J went to pick up the car keys because the car had just had its oil changed and I was unloading the groceries into the car. My jeans were 100% soaked, but I had a few tiny dry spots on my shirt. We just sat in the car and laughed for a few minutes because we looked so ridiculous!
However, I do have pictures of KC finally :) She was sick right before we left to camp and I was SO worried about leaving her with our dogsitter. She did great though..thank goodness. :)
When I was uploading those I just saw a few from our one week anniversary :p We moved right after the wedding so our first weekend at the house (also our first week of marriage) we planned on relaxing as much as possible!
We didn't have cable yet so we watched Season 3 of Family Guy! (and yes..I took a picture!)
Ok so this isn't from the first week. We took a trip to Walmart and got caught in the rain. J went to pick up the car keys because the car had just had its oil changed and I was unloading the groceries into the car. My jeans were 100% soaked, but I had a few tiny dry spots on my shirt. We just sat in the car and laughed for a few minutes because we looked so ridiculous!
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